Life blessings mist

Spray a bubble around yourself while setting the intention to invite more blessings into your life. You can ask for specific or general blessings. Not intended for the skin.

Quantity: 60ml 2.11 fl oz

The key ingredient in this product is bougainvillea. Play the music of this plant while applying for an extra effect.


Disclaimer: This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Keep out of the reach for children,

Spray a bubble around yourself while setting the intention to invite more blessings into your life. You can ask for specific or
general blessings. For use around the biofield, not intended for the skin.
Ingredients: Water, Lavender, Jasmine, Bougainvillea and Wildflowers. Sourced in Ibiza

Each flower is believed to hold a unique vibration and spiritually promote different qualities; Lavender is traditionally
believed to bring peace and calm, while Jasmine is traditionally believed for developing creativity & intuition, Bougainvillea signifies
love & compassion and Wildflowers historically represents the interconnectedness of all life while serving as a reminder to
appreciate the present moment.
(Reference source: Blooming Flowers in Spiritual Practices – Symbol Sage, Wildflower Flower Meaning, Symbolism & Spiritual
Significance – Foliage Friend – Learn About Different Types of Plants
, Bougainvillea Flower Meaning, Symbolism & Spiritual
Significance – Foliage Friend – Learn About Different Types of Plants